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Board of Education Standing Committees

Board of Education Standing Committees
Board Standing Committees
School Board Standing Committees exist to facilitate the work of the school board. The standing committee will meet when the chairperson of the committee, board president, or superintendent requests a meeting occur. Each standing committee has a board member that serves as chair, a second board member as a member of the committee. Each committee consists of district administrators, community members, and experts in the field, union representatives, faculty, staff, central office, treasurer and superintendent.
The meetings will be scheduled on specific days each month. If the work of the board designated for the committee can be done in the regular board meeting, the committee will not meet. The chair is in attendance at all meetings and will record and report the minutes of all meetings to the full board.
Standing Committees are Not Decision-Making Bodies
1.  make recommendations to the full board.
2.   study issues more deeply than time would allow at the board meeting.
3.  provide avenues for additional community or staff input should this be needed.
The following board standing committees have been board approved for Lancaster City Schools:
Purpose: to recommend communication strategies for Lancaster City Schools.
Purpose: to review revenue and expenditures to the full board.
Purpose: to recommend policies as guidelines for the operation of the school district to the full board.
Purpose: to review and recommend textbook selection, new programs, curriculum and assessments modifications, test results, various data elements and academic progress to the full board.
Support Services
Purpose: to review and recommend plans for facility improvements, review food service operations, review transportation operations, review technology operations to the full board.
Standing Committees will follow Roberts Rules of Order. Minutes will be taken by the Board Chair and reported by Chair at regular board meetings.
The Board President shall appoint board members to standing committees in January.
When a regular board committee member is absent, the committee chairperson may delegate an alternate. Other board members may attend and participate in the discussions. Board Standing Committees are governed by Open Meetings Laws of the State of Ohio. Public notice of such meetings shall be given in accordance with state law by publishing meeting dates at the January organizational meeting.
Lancaster City Schools' Board Standing Committees
Communication – Amy Eyman/Dianne Garlinger
Generally meets first Tuesday during months of Aug/Oct/Dec/Feb/Apr/June at 4:00 p.m.
Finance – Bryan Everitt/Amy Eyman
Generally meets the third Thursday during months of Sept/Nov/Feb/May at 4:30 p.m.
Policy – Bryan Everitt/Dianne Garlinger
Generally meets 3rd Monday during the month of Sep/March at 4:30 p.m.
Program – Kathy Kittredge/Lise Ricketts
Generally meets the second Monday of each month except in July at 4:30 p.m.
Support Services – Kathy Kittredge/Lise Ricketts
Generally meets the 2nd Thursday during the months of Oct/Jan/April at 4:30 p.m.
All meetings are generally held at the Lancaster City Schools’ Administrative Offices (2nd floor board room), 2780 Coonpath Rd. NE, Lancaster, Ohio unless otherwise determined.

