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Safe Schools - Stay Safe Speak UP!

24 hour Reporting and Information

Thank you for utilizing the Safe School Reporting and Information Page.

Safe School Speak Up! has been developed for you, and other students, parents and staff members to help maintain the safety and a positive school environment within our schools. The purpose of Safe School Speak Up! is to provide easy, private, confidential, and anonymous reporting of wrongdoings or illegal activity.  This helpline is administered by an independent, outside company. 

To report a problem, call 1-866-listen2me  (1-866-547-8362 ext. 63)

OR Click below to make a report online.

Stay Safe Speak UP!

 Please report school safety issues:

Alcohol / Drugs / Tobacco
Bullying / Harassment / Intimidation 
Hacking / Cyber Crime
Suicidal / Self Abuse
Suspicious Behavior
Threats (Bomb, Physical, Other)
Violence / Fighting
Weapons / Dangerous Items